Gangs of Umbar 3 - Ghosts of Cardolan - LARP
Event Card
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Middelaldercentret, Ved Hamborgskoven, Sundby, Guldborgsund Municipality, Region Zealand, 4800, Denmark
Gangs of Umbar 3 - Ghosts of Cardolan
We want to create a Larp for the "anti-heroes" of the evil side of the Lord of the Rings world, with a high focus on culture play and the struggles, survival and daily life in a corrupt, cruel and violent world. A journey to the culture of Umbar and their allies and into the newly colonized town Tharbad governed by a high captain of Umbar.
Corsairs and soldiers of Umbar are trying to get their piece out of this new opportunity as well as thieves, craftsmen, merchants and farmers from all corners of the not so bright side of Middle-earth, such as f. ex. Haradrim, Hillman, Easterlings or even some Orcs.
Gangs fighting and intriguing for their crumbs of the table, fisher and craftsman trying to build a live while avoiding getting inbetween the frontlines, shady fortune hunters and corsairs hustling in smuggling and selling forbidden goods. Soldiers and Orcs causing brawls in the tavern and streets.
All while the whole city might be under threat, cause the mystery why nobody successfully could resettle there for centuries remains still unsolved, but weird things seem to happen around Tharbad...