Madame e Messeri, bardi, cavalieri, alchimisti e stregoni tutti, ascoltate!Per decreto delle contesse della casata Selmar si indice un nuovo incontro degli abitanti del reame.In parole povere, signori miei, si nerda fortissimo in una LOCATION TUTTA …
Time In
28 Jul2018
Time Out
29 Jul2018
Tickets price €
Event Card
Forte Cavalli, Strada Provinciale 39 diramazione per Forte Cavalli, Larderia Inferiore, I Circoscrizione, Larderia, Messina, Sicily, 98135, Italy
Madame and Messeri, Bardi, Knights, Alchemists and sorcerers all, listen! By decree of the countesses of the family Selmar, a new meeting of the inhabitants of the Reame is indicated. In poor words, my gentlemen, it is very strong in an entire locationNEW #Begiovannino #Begiovanninodenari to be healed: 20 euros (higher price precisely due to location fromPaying, but Messeri it is a SUVVIA Fortress) The Messeri are asked to let it know as soon as possible if they are willing to participate (the location admits a maximum number of players) and to deliver the money #nesciisoddi to facilitate the masters the organization of the event. It will be published (not shortly because one of the Master C'It has the porcoggiuda of summer session) a 2.0 version of the manual thanks to which everything will be more cool.##NesciiSiDiDicadici will later give other news and information. #staytunned #stayUned #StayMedal #staySelmar #Begiovannino #celetiamoisantaragione #Hailagentiunpocochinomerer #MAILDUBBIOMTAMISSAGE #leantcraaaaa #StayMedal#Stayselmar#CelemiamoDiDisantaragione#Hailagengentriceunpocochinomerer#Mailububbiomisso#LetaNCRARAAAA
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