by Whlive
by Whlive
1 players found this event interesting.
Strada Comunale di Grotta al Leccio, Montefoscoli, Palaia, Pisa, Tuscany, 56036, Italy
Tickets from 30.0€ to 40.0€
from 2024-09-28 17:00:00 to 2024-09-28 23:00:00
There a free tavern in place
Only native language
No need to sleep
The event is a One Shot set in the lands of the Dominion centuries before the start of the "No Friend in the Sunset" Campaign
It is open to anyone, whether or not they have played other WHLIVE events and does not require prior knowledge of the setting or the game played.
The main inspirations come from the Nehekarian people of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play who draw heavily from the Egyptian imagination
L’evento è una One Shot ambientata nelle terre del Dominio secoli prima dell’inizio della Campagna “Nessun Amico al Tramonto”
It is open to anyone, whether or not he played other WHLIVE events and does not require a priori knowledge of the setting or played.
The main inspirations come from the Nehekarian people of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play that fishing with full hands from the Egyptian imagination
The event is a One Shot set in the lands of the Dominion centuries before the start of the "No Friend in the Sunset" Campaign
It is open to anyone, whether or not they have played other WHLIVE events and does not require prior knowledge of the setting or the game played.
The main inspirations come from the Nehekarian people of Warhammer Fantasy Role Play who draw heavily from the Egyptian imagination
L’evento è una One Shot ambientata nelle terre del Dominio secoli prima dell’inizio della Campagna “Nessun Amico al Tramonto”
E’ aperta a chiunque, che abbia giocato o meno ad altri eventi di WHLIVE e non necessita di conoscenze a priori dell’ambientazione o del giocato.
Le ispirazioni principali arrivano dal popolo Nehekariano di Warhammer Fantasy Role Play che pesca a piene mani dall’immaginario egizio