E' solo un'eco lontana all'inizio...Si mugugna da qualche parte, si dice a bassa voce nei sontuosi palazzi, si grida, poi, sempre più forte nei campi mercenari:La Pace dei Re è stata spezzata.Alla metà esatta del mese della madre, un comunicato uffi…
It is only an echo far at the beginning ... It mulgans somewhere, it is said to be low in the sumptuous buildings, then you shout, then, more and stronger in the mercenary fields: the peace of the kings wasbroken. In the exact half of the month of the mother, an official press release shakes the foundations of the new Zartha: The Sultano Suleyman of the two lights, the twice illuminated by Ubdì.The man who most of all invested in peace declares war on the kingdom of Norska and, at the same time, intimate to the Inkarnians not to intrude in the conflict. Then, from Arqam, only silence, while the king of the north, SvennBlood of wolf, begins to collect men in arms from all its fiefdoms .__________________________________________ The crossroads is an isolated place located on the slopes of the heel plateau, halfway between the notorious Klootz and the quietAvel;It is a place of passage for almost all those who intend to move on foot from one kingdom to another;Here, in a state of semi-abandonment, there is the home of Avel's deceased Thaane, Mikhail Odersson, used as a barracks for the men of the fiefdom, called in war by the Konge.It is known to many that the crossroads hides and holds one of the most important relics of the giant faith: an ampoule that holds inside what is said to be the only tear of pain paid by the God.This is the fundamental component of the rite that the priests of the North perform at the end of the year, and, if it turned out to be a truly an artifact with divine powers, it could be the key to the events in the events that are going through the continent.An enchanted and silent scenario, in the proximity of an Avel almost abandoned, at the height of the summer, when the tear of the giant absorbs the power of the sun, in order to guarantee its blessing throughout the year, the quiet crossroads on the riverStille, it will be done quite crowded ...___________________________________________ Hello guys, Zartha returns to San Lorenzo and for the occasion we wanted to take a location that had a real watercourse inside, we hope it turns out to be a welcome move. The fourth OSZ event will take place on the weekend 10-11 in Pantalica, the central of the Anapo.If you have never been quiet that the road indications will also arrive.The time in is set for 16.30, the welcome to the players will start instead from 13.00, a time when we aim to finish setting up the location, with the opening of the secretariat of a short time.Please do not delay too much otherwise we have to put the beginning to slip;If there are problems related to the arrival time, please notify in time with a message to the page in order to prepare your entrance. The location is provided with a nice cottage, inside which we should be able to sleep allThey are read, so you will have to have a sleeping mattress and bags that will necessarily be mounted after the time out which, for this reason, has been set at 01.30/02.00 on Saturday.To then resume the following morning as soon as you all will be awake. The cost of the ticket, including the Taverna service (the menu is still to be decided for which any food or food needs must be communicated to the page no later than 31 July), variable inBased on these deadlines: by 30 June - Euro 20.00 (including tavern) by July 31 - Euro 25.00 (including tavern) beyond these dates it will no longer be possible to book but there is no closed number, so it will still beIt is possible to present yourself to the Gate and participate in the event, with a contribution of Euro 30.00 but without the possibility of benefiting from the Taverna service. The shares can be paid through the postpay payment Card number: 4023 6009 5235 8093 Registered to Calogero Jr Leanza cod.Tax: LNZCGR92C14G371C (take a photo of the payment receipt and send it toNonatatiana page you will have shown) or, for the lucky friends residing in the charming Catania and in its provincial countries, we also accept hand delivery. Electric light is there but we will try to use it as little as possible, then bring some oflighting in the role because we will not have enough for everyone. The kitchen exists and works but it will be almost always used as a Sala Master so it will be possible to use it only outside the game hours. The tavern provides for the dinner of theSaturday and coffee for Sunday, for the remaining meals you will have to think about yourself. The curtains can be mounted both in the role and out of role. The bathrooms are there., with the differentiated, so we recommend ... It will not be possible to turn on fires. Please avoid dirtying the location that turns out to be a protected air. The river is absolutely bathing but please have that we have a consumption clothing and, as far as possible, in the role, if you intend to bathe duringThe hours of the game. For the new players, regulation and setting are perfectly reachable from the page, the cards and the BG will only be viewed by the deadline of July 31st.For the old, everything is done in location.However, any intersections will always be taken into consideration only and only by 31 July.Then we should focus on the actual setting. For any other info contact the page. We wait for you.
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