The Azgul Offensive
Event Card
All Facilities
Kibblestone, Vanity Lane, Stone Rural, Oulton, Stafford, Staffordshire, England, ST15 8TB, United Kingdom
Gryphons, Friends, Allies and People of Erdreja, Briar of Lyonesse has entered into a pact with an Alien entity and has been using said entity to cause mayhem, death and destruction throughout our lands, those of our Allies in Western Lyonesse and other Factions.
After many months of tracking their movements, we have located them in Azgul Fort in Eastern Estragales. We have begun to lay siege the fort itself in a attempt to drive out Briar’s forces; there remains one potential escape route through the mountains. This lies to the south-east of the Fort which houses a small outpost. We suspect this is where many of the experimental Alien Infested soldiers we have faced were created.
To this end, I, Lady Gryphon, Niobie Dea Drussus ask all Gryphons, Allies, Friends and Peoples of Erdreja to join me on a mission to take this outpost, discover its secrets and destroy any prominent foes that may attempt to escape Azgul Fort. We aim to discover the true nature of the enemy we face and to deal a blow against Briar and his Alien benefactor.
We gather outside of Genua to march to the outpost.
All for One!
We know that Briar of Lyonesse and the Alien entity have been responsible for the deaths of prominent, well-loved and well-known Gryphons as well as individuals in other factions around the egg, however, what we do not know is just how dangerous this entity is. To put it simply, we do not know our enemy.
If we are to defeat a foe that has the potential for such a wide and dangerous reach, we must do whatever we can to learn more and understand our enemy. We, the Gryphon Nation risk falling to it should we fail.
After much consideration, counsel and review with my Lord Marshall, I have decided to allow those of a unliving pattern who are members of the other Nations or Guilds of Erdreja to join the Operational Force descending upon the local area of Azgul Fort in the hopes of pooling our combined knowledge and experience in combatting the Alien Threat. This allowance does come with the following conditions.
- Those with unliving patterns must remain with the Lady Gryphon and their retinue whilst travelling to the area of operations from Genua
- Those with unliving patterns must remain within the area of operations for the duration of the operation.
- Those with an Unliving Pattern must follow all other laws of the Gryphon Nation whilst on our lands and would recommend speaking to a magistrate of the provost’s office for full details of what this entails
- Upon the completion, closure or otherwise ending of the operation, all those with Unliving Patterns MUST travel to the nearest transport circle with a prominent Gryphon escort and leave Gryphon lands in a timely and orderly manner
I trust we can all understand the gravity of our situation explaining the necessity of such actions at this time.
Lady Gryphon , Niobie Dea Drussus
** OC INFO **
The Gryphon Faction Events Invites you to our Campaign Event The Azgul Offensive! This is a mid combat mid threat event with a focus on Puzzles/code breaking, resource management and moral decision making.
Given the nature of the foes of the event, people who play unliving characters will be welcome at this event
Under 18s
Children from the Ages of 16+ are welcome providing they are accompanied by a responsible Adult.
Provisional Event Timings - Subject to change
Players may arrive on site from 18:30 on Friday and will be required to leave the site by 15:00 on Sunday.
Catering will be provided by Conspiracy Catering and will consist of 5 meals.
Menu TBC
Please note a Meal Ticket will need to be purchased in order to take advantage of the Catering.